Sunday, April 09, 2006


Congratulations on your admission to the Summer Principals Academy. We are busy preparing for you (our second cohort) and very excited about your arrival at Teachers College on May 13th.

Dates to save:
May 13, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - program orientation Part I
June 25, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - program orientation Part II
June 26 - first day of classes
August 4 - last day of classes

Financial Aid: Please make sure that you have filed a FAFSA for both the 2005-2006 and the 2006-2007 academic year. This will allow you to secure federally subsidized student loan packages beginning in June, 2006 and another allocation for the 2006-2007 academic year (a peculiarity of academic programs that begin in the summer).

Housing: If you plan to secure housing in New York City please be aware of the tight housing market that exists. If you are in need of housing please contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you in your hunt. In addition to housing at Teachers College dormitories, there are options available at the Manhattan School of Music dormitory, the International House and options available through TC's off-campus housing website. Email Elsa Chen ( for details. You may also email Elsa for suggestions if you need accommodations for orientation on May 13th.

Registration for Classes: The Summer Principals Academy is conducted as a cohort program where all students take the same classes together. For this reason you will not need to register for classes - your registration will be done as a batch process prior to your arrival on May 13th. All you need to do is submit your deposit. Deposits not received prior to April 30th may result in problems with your registration so please make sure you make your deposit in a timely fashion.

Student Accounts: The academy is recognized as a flat fee program at TC. You will be billed in four equal installments. A complete schedule of payments will be included in future posts and will be detailed in your financial award letter.

Helpful contacts:
Phone contact:
Sonia Sharma - 212-678-3726

Email contact:
Whitney Bates

Financial Aid:
Genise Reid 212-678-3736

TC's Online Chat for Admitted Students

Teachers College Office of Admission representatives will be present to speak with newly admitted students and answer any questions. Students will also have an opportunity to inquire about Scholarships, Financial Aid, Registration, Orientation, Career Services and Housing.


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