Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Summer 2007 Schedule

Summer Two Class Schedule

Mini-Term I

Monday – Thursday
8:10 – 8:45am
Self-Awareness Training
Milbank Chapel

9am – 12pm



8:10 – 8:45am
Self-Awareness Training
Milbank Chapel



Afternoon Activity

Mini Term II

Monday – Thursday

8:10 – 8:45am
Self-Awareness Training
Milbank Chapel

9am – 12pm



8:10 – 8:45am
Self-Awareness Training
Milbank Chapel



Afternoon Activity


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer II Orientation -- June 24, 2007

2006-2007 Cohort
Summer II Orientation
June 24, 1007
Russell Hall 306

12:00-1:00 Lunch
12:00-12:15 Check-in
12:15-12:30 Summer II Expectations
Introduction of Jon Drescher
Craig Richards
12:35-12:55 Graduation Requirements and Paperwork
Whitney Bates
1:55-1:05 Break
1:05-1:35 Career Services Presentation
Amy Menes
1:40-2:10 TBD
2:15-2:45 Letter Activity
2:45-3:00 Closing

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Special Accommodations for Applying for NYC Leadership Positions

Students should be encouraged to apply for positions that are open now and will close May 15, 2006, as well as positions that will open May 16, 2007 and close on May 30, 2007. We have posted more anticipated vacancies then expected this year and want to make the selection process as competitive as possible.

SPA students who have SAS/SBL that will be effective 9/1/2007 will receive an email that says they are ineligible when the posting closes. When they receive that email, have them forward it to supvapp@schools.nyc.gov and with a statement that says they are in SPA and approval from Tracy Brisson to apply for this position. Since Hiring Managers are going to act on applications as soon as possible, they need to also forward this to that address within 24 hours of receipt to be part of the applicant pool.

One thing is that some positions posted are effective 7/1/2007. If one of your students is offered a position for a 7/1/2007 job, but has a 9/1/2007 SAS/SBL effective date, they cannot be technically paid or staffed for that position until 9/1- our systems will not allow it. We can work that out individually, but students should know that.

Courses available on ClassWeb

Courses and syllabi are now available on ClassWeb for the Summer 2007 Session.

Second Summer students are enrolled in five courses:

Summer II Session:

ORLA 4033: Leadership and Institutional Analysis: School Law and Ethics (3 credits) Sobol & Stefkovich
June 25 - July 12, Mon. - Thur., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
This course explores the nexus between law, ethics and school leadership. It relies on both case law and the use of ethical dilemmas in the form of case studies and hypotheticals to teach prospective leaders how to consider for themselves, the tensions they experience when the law, professional practice, and their ethical codes of conduct are in conflict.

ORLA 4025 Resource Allocation for Student Achievement (3 credits ) Greene & Solomon
June 25 - July 12, Mon. - Thur., 9:00 - 12:00 noon
This course emphasizes the skills of school budgeting and facilities management, personnel allocations, and grant writing. Students analyze an actual school budget, make a 3 year budget request, and reassign faculty and support staff in an effort to improve student achievement.

ORLA 5025: The Ecology of Data-Driven Leadership (3 credits) Richards & Perkins
July 16 - Aug. 2, Mon - Thur, 9:00 - 12 noon
This course relies upon systems theory (Senge 1990; Richardson 1997; Baker & Richards) and its application to school systems. The course teaches prospective leaders the use of data-bases of various kinds to pursue a systematic inquiry in the ecology of the school. It explores various approaches to data mining, model building and ultimately the "structure of improvisational leadership". The course teaches students how to distinguish the different purposes for which data can be used and misused. The course relies heavily on the use of cases, simulations and exercises including those with complex feedback systems.

ORLA 5017 Team Building and Organizational Development (3 credits) Fisher-Yoshida and Geller
July 16 - Aug. 2, Mon - Thur, 1:00 - 4:00
This course is experiential and identifies ways to develop people-centered organizations through an examination of individual behavior and how they impact organizations, as well as, how organizations impact individual behavior. Team effectiveness is related to group and social processes in organizations. Students apply the learning concerning individual, group and organizational behaviors and processes to an integrated final project.

ORLA 6020 The Pro Seminar in Leadership (1 credit) Hayes, Maltbia
June 29 - Aug. 3, Fridays, 9:00 - 3:30
This Friday seminar course is topical and brings in guest speakers, exemplary practitioners, researchers and policy makers from academia and the field to share with the cohort their experience, research and insights about effective leadership practices. The central theme of the Pro-Seminar is the development of personal mastery and includes extensive development in emotional intelligence and cultural competencies as it relates to leadership capacity. The course meets on Fridays over two summers and includes professional development during the intervening school year.

Summer Calendar

May 15, Tuesday
Teachers College Master’s degree Convocations – Founding Cohort of SPA

May 16, Wednesday
10:30 a.m., Conferring of degrees;

May 28, Monday
Memorial Day Observed . University Holiday

June 24, Sunday
12 noon – 3:00 p.m.
SPA 2006-07 Cohort Orientation

June 25, Monday
First Day of SPA Summer Intensive

June 28, Thursday
4:15 – 6:00
SPA Bar-be-que with Klingenstein and Inquiry Programs

June 29, Friday
1:00 – 3:30
Career Mobility Panel – 2006-07 Cohort

July 4, Wednesday
Independence Day. University Holiday – no classes

July 6, Friday
1:00 – 3:30
Mock Teacher Interviews – 2006-07 Cohort

July 12, Thursday
4:15 – 5:00
Ice Cream Social

July 13, Friday
1:00 – 3:30
High Performing School Visits – 2006-07 Cohort

July 20, Friday
1:00 – 3:30
Mock Principal Interviews – 2006-07 Cohort

July 26, Thursday
5:00 – 7:00
SPA Talent Show – Milbank Chapel

July 27, Friday
1:00 – 3:00
District Leader Panel – 2006-07

August 3, Friday
10:00 – 4:00
New School Presentations

August 3, Friday
5:00 – 7:00
Closing Ceremony – 2006-2007 Cohort

Monday, April 02, 2007

SPA Alumni Honored!

The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
Morton Deutsch Awards for Social Justice

Thursday, April 5th, 2007


179 Grace Dodge Hall

Teachers College, Columbia University

~Free and open to the public~wine & cheese reception to follow~

2007 Recipients
Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Recipient
John T. Jost, Department of Psychology, New York University
System Justification: How do we know it's motivated?
Student Recipients
Jeremy Beard, Carrie Dattilo, Jessica Madden-Fuoco, Rory McCourt,
Martha Zornow
Summer Principals Academy, Teachers College
"Proposal to Establish the Keith Haring Academy of Vision & Empowerment"
Honorable Mentions
Audrey Sasson, School of International and Public Affairs
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers vs. Taco Bell: The Role of Skillful Framing in Creating Social Change

Julia Maskivker, Political Science
Gender Matters: Towards One Possible Explanation of Female Suicide Bombings

Friday, July 28, 2006

Take Aways from School Visits (July 21, 2006)

  • "If you make decision for the best interest of children, then people with follow."
  • When you have teachers observe one another send them with a coach to guide their observations.
  • All successful principals break the rules.
  • You need to have a vision.
  • The massive parent endowment that allows large, high performing public schools to expand and enrich their extra-curricular activities was of particular interest. Many of the new small schools must sacrificee many of these activities that contribute to a well rounded education
  • Spend as much time as you can planning up front for all situations.
  • Starting up a new school is like starting up a new business.
  • The principal also has to be knowledgeable in curriculum too.
  • Before one takes on the position of Principal, it is important ot have A LOT (many years) of experience teaching in the classroom. It is also helpful to take on administrative roles other than principal in order to gain experience before becoming a principal.
  • Grant money drives success!
  • ... that experience in leadeship roles is important prior to taking on a principalship.
  • Sucessful leadership is not just about being inspiring. Sometimes it's just about who has been around the longest.
  • It is improtant to find community partners, who will help you do difficult leg work.
  • It was awesome to see all that we are learning about being put to use in the actual field.
  • One suggestion the principal had for a teacher that seems to be struggling: Cover the teacher's class, and have the teacher, accompanied by an AP, visit another class for a period. The AP can talk through the lesson with the teacher and point out what was working well. This way, the teacher who is having difficulty has a frame of reference upon which to grow.
  • Get money from organizations
  • as a principal - be a hustler
  • The need for collaboration with teachers.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Congratulations to Triathlete Melissa Meza!

It was the Nautica New York City Triathlon. There were 3,200 psychotic triathletes who put in long hours of training. Melissa survived the Hudson River, can you imagine anything more crazy? It was a 1.5K swim, 40K bike,up the West Side Highway up to Yonkers, and 10K run in Central Park. This is her second triathlon in the last two years. She did it through the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, trying to raise funds to cure cancer. Melissa raised over $3,500 for the society and the society raised over $700K with the triathletes alone. Her time was 3 hours and 40 min- a little longer than expected, but outstanding nevertheless.

Take Aways from Cooperating Administrators Workshop

Excellent, well-organized and informative.

Being politically savvy will be an important aspect of our job.

Maintain measurable and obtainable goals.

I might be able to marry the curricular piece to the non-curricular elective.

I learned how valuable it is going to be to have a supportive CA and coach.

My coach seems very supportive and me and my needs. I look forward to working with her in the year ahead.

I need to change some items on my MOA really soon.

One takeaway that I have from this event is that my principal is committed to my internship which should make it go smoothly!

Feedback is good. The more eyes vetting a document the better.

I learned that even though other SPA member's cooperating administrators didn't show up, they still had similar interests and problems in their school. We all helped to improve each other's MOA, regardless of whether the cooperating administrator showed up. TEAMWORK!

I learned a lot of practical tips on how to manage the various projects.

My cooperating administrator supports and believes in my capabilities.

I have a better understanding of the role of the coach as mediator between the administrator and intern.

While I believe I am capable of negotiating most of the terms of my internship myself, it is good to know that my coach will be available to mediate if needed.

It is through experience and cooperation that we are able to learn from one another.

The internship experience may prove to be the most difficult and stressful part of the SPA program. Although, I do feel more positive than I once did - overall, I'm still too concerned/anxious about the experience.

I am going to have a lot of support from both my coach and my CA. :)

I think I need to have a sit down with my cooperating administrator (who was unable to attend).

Keep it simple - it's not a cop-out.

Keep it simple. We are in it for the kids.

This was an important event to build the team.

My Coach is old school! I will benefit from this old-school experience.


The many role models that were in one room...each principal there gave us one piece of advice that we didn't read in text books. Good leaders!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Take-Aways from New Principal Panel

Here are the cohort's take-aways from the New Principal Panel.

Special thanks to Lynette Delgado for facilitating the Panel and thanks to Panelists Amy Andino, Roshone Ault, Kathleen Clarke-Glover and Min Kim for their thoughtful comments:
  • "What's happening" conversation.
  • Managing resources is vital...
  • I liked the idea that as principals, we need to have our time. That is something I really need to work on.
  • I felt energized and challenged by some of the panelists' words - I like the practical lens they added to our learning experience.
  • Although collaboration is great, I am still the leader, who has the final decision.
  • I think I learned that I am going to have to find a way to prioritize my time and the time of my staff. Not every decision is going to be able to be made the "idealistic, theoritical" way but it will still be made and my staff will learn to accept it.
  • Don't be afraid to be a leader, and take care of yourself (well, that's two, but they're both important)
  • Protocols and the instruments that drive those protocols are really essential in establishing culture. It would be very helpful to have examples of these principals' best practices! The panel was fantastic.
  • The need to identify your vision for education and to instill that vision in your school culture and community. To defend that vision with integrity and fortitude.
  • Not every decision needs to be resolved with collaboration. One of my frustrations is that a common message from the classes is collaboration, collaboration, collaboration. As principal, you have to decide when collaboration is appropriate. It was refreshing to here this.
  • Their honesty.
  • I have had reservations about still connecting with my studets after I leave the classroom and Mrs. Glover was able to alleviate much of my concerns with different strategies at the break out session.
  • The great idea is: as a leader you have to know when to make the executive decision and when to make a collaborative decision.
  • I think the best idea I heard was in regard to group decision making. I think it was Kim who said you must be mindful to use the time of good people on important matters, and know when to make the decisions on smaller matters yourself. I am beginning to see time as a precious commodity, as important as or sometimes even more important than money.
  • The importance of being flexible- we may not be able to predict everything that will happen, and we just have to make it work anyways.
  • Small school = limited support services, teachers and principal wear multiple hats
    balance is important
  • The principal is the leader of the school. Collaboration is useful and important, but many times the decisions must end with the school leader.
  • The dedication of these enlightened leaders in practice was, for me, the most warming sign yet that there is great promise for our children. Anything else that I would say would belittle their commitment to education.
  • That at the end of the day, regardless of the "case" situation, I am the leader of the building and ultimately I make the final decision and it's OK to take that role because I am the leader. I appreciate the fact that they all shared the need to maintain "balance". That is key
  • ...that learning styles are different and so are leadership styles. Be aware of this and mind how I proceed.
  • Be aware of "who" the adults on your staff are and be mindful of where they are in their development.
  • A lot of very practical tips that you wouldn't normally learn in a graduate program.
  • I need to think of time or lack of time when dealing with our cases.
  • Ms. Kim's suggestion of ways to make sure that her staff (with whom she has a strong relationship and in some cases a friendship) knows when it's time to talk about work things and focus on that.
  • I really want to hear more about Ms. Clarke-Glover's ideas about creating an environment that nurtures children's social-emotional development as a first priority.
  • CASEL program used for advisory at one school sounds very useful.
  • I very much enjoyed seeing the differences between the reactions in principals. This leads me to make a comparison with classroom management--what works for one teacher may be a good practice but it may not work for another teacher. This will make my eventual transition into administration easier because I wll no longer have as much doubt.
  • One great idea would be that no matter what happens I need to be confident in my role as an authority figure. In addition I really enjoyed listening to the different types of schools.
  • I came away with so many ideas it is hard to pick just one...communicaction is a key to being an effective leader. Be sure to explain rationale of decision making. Be present with each individual with you.
  • Space is important.
  • Interesting discipline policy from Lynette at Urban Assembly.
  • One can't employ a collaborative approach with every decision.
  • Take care of the self.