Monday, April 02, 2007

SPA Alumni Honored!

The International Center for Cooperation and Conflict Resolution
Morton Deutsch Awards for Social Justice

Thursday, April 5th, 2007


179 Grace Dodge Hall

Teachers College, Columbia University

~Free and open to the public~wine & cheese reception to follow~

2007 Recipients
Distinguished Scholar-Practitioner Recipient
John T. Jost, Department of Psychology, New York University
System Justification: How do we know it's motivated?
Student Recipients
Jeremy Beard, Carrie Dattilo, Jessica Madden-Fuoco, Rory McCourt,
Martha Zornow
Summer Principals Academy, Teachers College
"Proposal to Establish the Keith Haring Academy of Vision & Empowerment"
Honorable Mentions
Audrey Sasson, School of International and Public Affairs
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers vs. Taco Bell: The Role of Skillful Framing in Creating Social Change

Julia Maskivker, Political Science
Gender Matters: Towards One Possible Explanation of Female Suicide Bombings


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