Thursday, June 22, 2006

Friday, June 30th Program

We are so excited to see you next week! This summer is going to be full of so much learning and growing.

To kick off the first week, we have a very special activity planned for our first Friday, June 30th. After class on Friday morning, you will be given lunch and then will head over to Morningside Park to participate in a low ropes course. This activity is going to be a powerful way for you to get to know one another and learn to trust each other as move forward in your small cohorts. The ropes course will take four hours and will commence at 5:00pm. This is the only time that we will ask you to stay after 3:30 on a Friday...

You will need to wear something comfortable for the afternoon. We cannot wait to see you all!

Margo Woolverton, Graduate Assistant


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