Thursday, May 25, 2006

360° Emotional Competence Inventory – Further Clarification

By now you should all have received instruction for completing the 360° Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) as well as your username and password necessary to complete and monitor this assessment process.As you know the ECI requires feedback from a number of individuals – these are referred to as “respondents”. Input from respondents facilitates a thorough and valid assessment of your Emotional Intelligence and provides the opportunity for an important “gap analysis” - (differentials between self perceptions and perceptions of others) – resulting in the identification of competency areas that you may decide to work on developing.

The number of individuals that need to be approached to serve as “respondents” may feel overwhelming and/or initially you may feel unsure about a particular respondent's suitability. The following frequently asked questions are designed to address any uncertainty and further clarify the ECI assessment process.

Who should my respondents be?

Below is a list of potential respondents. The list is designed to give you some ideas but is not exhaustive. Respondents can come from outside the “school” environment provided they relate to you in the capacities listed below.

If you are unsure regarding an individuals’ applicability feel free to check this with Bonnie Schneider If you want to know the questions on the respondents’ survey you can click on the “Your Surveys” button to see the actual survey. The ECI survey is the same for all rater categories.

Respondent Categories and Examples

School principal
Deputy principal
School administrator
Head of department

Direct report
Classroom assistant
Committee member

Fellow graduate student

Close friend
Family members

Students (minimum age 16)

The best feedback comes from individuals with whom you have had:
1. Frequent contact (multiple times per month or more)
2. Recent contact (within the past six months)
3. A long working relationship (one year or more)
4. Diverse contact (from a variety of work-related settings)

A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself if you could answer the ECI questions on behalf of the potential respondent. If the answer is YES then they could probably do the same for you.

Since the respondent will complete the exact same survey as you it is possible to review the questions prior to selecting respondents by clicking on “Your Surveys” and then Emotional Competence Inventory-v2 and ECI Comments Form.

How many respondents do I need?

There are a number of rater categories to make the instrument easy and flexible to use. It is not necessary to use all categories. Focus on the categories that are most relevant to your circumstances.

Note that if you wish to receive feedback from a specific given category, you will need to have at least the minimum number of “valid” respondents in that category. For example, the minimum number of “valid” respondents in the direct report category is 2.

The list below summarizes the recommended number and minimum number of “valid” respondents for a particular category:

Recommended number: 1
Minimum required: 1

Direct report
Recommended number: All
Minimum required: 2

Recommended number: 5
Minimum required: 2

Recommended number: 5
Minimum required: 2

Recommended number: 5
Minimum required: 2

It is advisable to nominate 5 respondents per category because some individuals may fail to respond in a timely manner and/or be “disqualified/dropped” if their survey data is deemed incomplete. Selecting approximately 5 individuals will likely yield a sufficient number of “valid” respondents.

Can I select more respondents in the future?

Yes. If you are uncertain about whether a particular respondent is appropriate, you can select the ones you are certain about now and add others later. Just keep in mind that the due date is the same for everyone, and any raters you add later will need reasonable time to complete the surveys by that due date.

Points for Clarification – How to respond to the following questions:

What is your level in the organization?
In the Demographics Survey when asked “What is your level in the organization?”
Response: individual contributor (and add entry/middle/senior depending upon your level of experience)

What is your functional area?
In the Demographics Survey when asked “What is your functional area?”
Response: otherHow do I track whether my respondents are responding.

You can view your survey status by clicking on “Your Respondents” and then selecting from the left sidebar. Because rater confidentiality is protected, you will see how many, but not which specific people have responded in each group.

The Hay Group will send periodic reminders to those raters (as well as participants themselves) who have not yet completed the required surveys. Please do not use the “send reminders” feature on the web site; The Hay Group will do this for you.

We hope this information will facilitate your completion of the ECI. Please contact Whitney Bates ( with further questions. Contact Stephanie Cook at the Hay Group for any technical issues


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