Friday, May 19, 2006

What is the ECI and Why is it Important

Studies show that emotional intelligence (EI), the ability to identify and manage emotions in both self and others, is the best predictor of success in life. Its predictive value is greater than IQ plus technical skills put together. Recent UCLA research indicated that only 7% of leadership success is attributable to intellect; 97% of success, in fact, comes from trust, integrity, authenticity, honesty, creativity, presence, and resilience.

Learning about Emotional Intelligence during the Summer Principals Academy

This summer, as part of the Summer Principal's Academy experience, students will be taking a Seminar in Leadership (ORLA 6020). A major part of the seminar is a segment dedicated to Emotional Intelligence led by Dr. Robin Stern and Dr. Janet Patti (Instructors) and Whitney Bates (Assistant). This course will introduce you to the basics of emotional intelligence and how this framework can be used for your own professional development. Through a combination of guest lecture, reflective practice, and group process, you will become familiar with your strengths and challenge areas, explore your core values, build upon your vision and design a performance growth plan that will improve your ability to model "star" leadership and transform your lives and school.

Emotional Competence Inventory 360' Assessment

In order to achieve the aforementioned it is important to obtain a comprehensive, baseline assessment of your current E I (you don't mention "EQ" anywhere if that's what is actually supposed to be here it should be explained).

In the next few days you will be getting an email from the Hay Group about the Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI). The ECI is a 360' degree instrument (meaning that in addition to your own responses to questions concerning your emotional intelligence, others in your personal and work life are invited to respond) that tests a variety of competencies and composes your very own "emotional intelligence profile".

The Hay Group email will provide instructions about selecting and contacting those individuals whom you choose to evaluate your emotional intelligence by completing the relevant sections of the ECI. You will be asked to select up to 12 people who know you and your work very well. It is crucial that you get a well-rounded group of respondents, those you had amicable relationships with and those that presented challenges for you. The results of your ECI are for you and your own professional development only, so the more honesty you can get from those you ask for feedback, the more you will grow in this process. Further, the quality of the instrument will be enhanced by the number of respondents.


Choosing respondents:
It is not necessary to use all respondent categories. They are there to make the instrument flexible across a variety of job roles. Instead, focus on the relevant categories. Choose people who know you well and will provide open and honest feedback to you. You are more likely to receive accurate feedback if you have 5+ people in a category. Selecting the absolute minimum risks having the data suppressed if someone does not respond, or is unable to answer enough questions to produce a valid survey response. If you are not sure whether you'd like to include an individual, you can always come back to add people later.

Review your own survey, as these are the same questions people will answer about you.

Preparing respondents:
Raters respond much better to the ECI when they are contacted personally by the survey participant. The e-mail can be as simple as:
"Here is what I'm doing and why...""I've personally selected you as someone I'd like to receive feedback from.""You'll be receiving an e-mail, subject line Request for feedback on ______ (participant name) with instructions for taking the survey"

This way, if a participant has an incorrect e-mail address, or if there is a SPAM blocker, the rater will be aware that they're supposed to receive something.

Special Note about email and spam blockers:
Please note that e-mails regarding the ECI Survey for the Summer Principals Academy - Pro Seminar in Leadership may be read as SPAM by aggressive SPAM blocking software provided by personal e-mail accounts. It is therefore very important to check for your own e-mail, sent on May 19th.

If you do not receive your e-mail, and have checked to make sure it is not being blocked, please contact, to ask that it be sent again.

It is also a good idea to communicate with your respondents to make sure they have received the e-mail request from you as well. Respondents should receive the request for your survey on the day you log on to enter their names on the internet survey site.


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