Friday, May 19, 2006

Orientation Feedback

Response to the Orientation

We hope you had a chance to process the information from orientation over the past week. We have been processing your thoughtful feedback. Thank you for taking time to let us know how we can improve the orientation and address issues that will help you to be better prepared when you return to campus in June. We will continue to use this blog as a way to facilitate overall information distribution and we will use other venues as well where appropriate (e.g. ClassWeb postings and email blasts).

Here are some of the really valuable insights we took away from the orientation:

The Orientation Schedule

Your feedback indicated that we could have introduced the overall program for the day more clearly and provided a more easy to manage set of binders and handouts. We are aware of the large amount of information that you were processing and wish that we had more time to spend in each of the sessions.

Master Calendar

We are sending you a helpful master calendar for the summer that highlights assignments and course meeting times. The first installment will include all pre-course assignments. A comprehensive calendar of summer classes will follow. Many of you indicated that this would be a helpful as you juggle the various syllabi. We encourage you to take time to prepare your own calendars carefully as time management is a valuable skill and the various responsibilities of SPA will challenge you to be mindful of multiple commitments.

We are reviewing the calendar for a better match with New York's school calendar for next year.

Staff and Faculty Introductions

Given all the information that you were presented at orientation, it would have been helpful to have names and faces at the beginning of the day so you know that we are all here to help. We appreciate your feedback with regard to introductions and have made notes on that for upcoming events.

More time to get to know other cohort members

We understand the need to get to know your cohort members. In fact, over time you will be the strength of the program for each other. Look forward to much more in this area at the next phase of the orientation on June 24. We will also provide much more opportunity to get to know Teachers College and Columbia University.

You will also have an opportunity to meet members of the founding cohort of SPA at the next orientation.


Our staff has worked hard all week to get everyone into the system so you can access information via ClassWeb and the Student Information System. Thank you for your patience. If you have additional questions to this end, please contact Tom Haferd at


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