Friday, May 19, 2006

Why so many Evaluations?

Leadership Survey Tools

The Summer Principals Academy will be using several leadership survey tools to assist in your leadership development and self-awareness. The various tools meet different needs and address a variety of factors that determine leadership effectiveness.

Prior to arriving or during the first week at the Summer Principals Academy you will be taking the following three evaluations:

The Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI)
  • Companion to the Pro Seminar in Leadership (ORLA 6020)-
  • Time Frame: May 20 – June 10
  • Format: online

Conflict Questionnaire (CQ)

  • Companion to the Practicum in Conflict Resolution (ORLJ 5340)
  • Time Frame: May 15 – June 17
  • Format: online

Leadership Assessment Inventory (LAI)

  • Companion to the Overview of Educational Administration (ORLA 4001)
  • Time Frame: in class
  • Format: paper, self-scoring

Emotional Competence Inventory Description

The Emotional Competence Inventory (ECI) is a multi-rater tool designed to assess emotional intelligence. The ECI is based on the seminal work of Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis. Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions in us and in our relationships. EI describes abilities distinct from, but complementary to, academic intelligence or the purely cognitive capacities measured by IQ.This is a 360-degree assessment that involves other individuals. You will need two-three weeks to coordinate this assessment. Detailed instructions will be provided via email from the Hay Group.

Conflict Questionnaire Description

The Conflict Questionnaire (CQ) is an integral component of the Conflict Resolution (ORLJ 5340) course. The CQ collects information on your approaches to managing conflict as observed by yourself, a friend/family member, a supervisor, and a colleague or subordinate.The CQ is completed online and is strictly confidential. After one year, you will be eligible to take a post-test and compare results.

Leadership Assessment Inventory Description

The Leadership Assessment Inventory (LAI) was developed by TC’s Warner Burke and is an important aid for leaders to use in trying to understand how you work with others. The process of using feedback as a basis for learning, and perhaps changing, can be very useful for your personal and professional development. You will have the opportunity to score you own evaluation and you will be provided a detailed interpretation of the results. You will be given a post-test at the end of the program.

There will be other Leadership Assessment tools that we will introduce you to over the course of the Summer Principals Academy. They are all developmental in nature and help you in your self-awareness.


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