Saturday, May 27, 2006

Summary of Work due on 1st day of classes - June 26th

Here is a list of readings and assignments that are due on June 26 (first day of classes):

ORLA 5018

Required readings:
  1. APA Style Essentials
  2. Brookfield, S. D. Learning to know ourselves: The value of autobiography.
  3. Nunes, G. R. Convening case.

Read and take notes:

  1. Drago-Severson, E. Helping teachers learn: Principal leadership for adult growth and development.


  1. Final draft of convening case

ORLA 4001

Required readings:

  1. Hoy, W. K. & Tarter, C. J. Administrators Solving the Problems of Practice: Decision making concepts, cases and consequences, 2nd ed. - Chapter 1
  2. Baker, B.D. & Richards, C.E. The Ecology of Educational Systems. - Chapter 2


  1. ELCC & NYS Standards audit paper


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