Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Courses available on ClassWeb

Courses and syllabi are now available on ClassWeb for the Summer 2007 Session.

Second Summer students are enrolled in five courses:

Summer II Session:

ORLA 4033: Leadership and Institutional Analysis: School Law and Ethics (3 credits) Sobol & Stefkovich
June 25 - July 12, Mon. - Thur., 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
This course explores the nexus between law, ethics and school leadership. It relies on both case law and the use of ethical dilemmas in the form of case studies and hypotheticals to teach prospective leaders how to consider for themselves, the tensions they experience when the law, professional practice, and their ethical codes of conduct are in conflict.

ORLA 4025 Resource Allocation for Student Achievement (3 credits ) Greene & Solomon
June 25 - July 12, Mon. - Thur., 9:00 - 12:00 noon
This course emphasizes the skills of school budgeting and facilities management, personnel allocations, and grant writing. Students analyze an actual school budget, make a 3 year budget request, and reassign faculty and support staff in an effort to improve student achievement.

ORLA 5025: The Ecology of Data-Driven Leadership (3 credits) Richards & Perkins
July 16 - Aug. 2, Mon - Thur, 9:00 - 12 noon
This course relies upon systems theory (Senge 1990; Richardson 1997; Baker & Richards) and its application to school systems. The course teaches prospective leaders the use of data-bases of various kinds to pursue a systematic inquiry in the ecology of the school. It explores various approaches to data mining, model building and ultimately the "structure of improvisational leadership". The course teaches students how to distinguish the different purposes for which data can be used and misused. The course relies heavily on the use of cases, simulations and exercises including those with complex feedback systems.

ORLA 5017 Team Building and Organizational Development (3 credits) Fisher-Yoshida and Geller
July 16 - Aug. 2, Mon - Thur, 1:00 - 4:00
This course is experiential and identifies ways to develop people-centered organizations through an examination of individual behavior and how they impact organizations, as well as, how organizations impact individual behavior. Team effectiveness is related to group and social processes in organizations. Students apply the learning concerning individual, group and organizational behaviors and processes to an integrated final project.

ORLA 6020 The Pro Seminar in Leadership (1 credit) Hayes, Maltbia
June 29 - Aug. 3, Fridays, 9:00 - 3:30
This Friday seminar course is topical and brings in guest speakers, exemplary practitioners, researchers and policy makers from academia and the field to share with the cohort their experience, research and insights about effective leadership practices. The central theme of the Pro-Seminar is the development of personal mastery and includes extensive development in emotional intelligence and cultural competencies as it relates to leadership capacity. The course meets on Fridays over two summers and includes professional development during the intervening school year.


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