Friday, June 23, 2006

Housing Update!

Just a reminder that, by now, you should have secured summer housing in/around TC. If you do not believe that you have a confirmed place to live for the summer, please notify Whitney Bates ( or Tom Haferd ( as soon as possible so that temporary arrangements can be made.

See you all on Saturday!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Friday, June 30th Program

We are so excited to see you next week! This summer is going to be full of so much learning and growing.

To kick off the first week, we have a very special activity planned for our first Friday, June 30th. After class on Friday morning, you will be given lunch and then will head over to Morningside Park to participate in a low ropes course. This activity is going to be a powerful way for you to get to know one another and learn to trust each other as move forward in your small cohorts. The ropes course will take four hours and will commence at 5:00pm. This is the only time that we will ask you to stay after 3:30 on a Friday...

You will need to wear something comfortable for the afternoon. We cannot wait to see you all!

Margo Woolverton, Graduate Assistant

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Orientation Part 2 -- Saturday, June 24, 2006

Apologies for not posting information sooner, but Saturday's agenda has gone through a number of revisions as we strive to make the day meaningful and enjoyable for you all. Below are a few last minute details to note.


  • The orientation will run from 8AM TO 4PM
  • Please arrive for check in at Thompson Hall, Room 229 (When you enter TC at the main entrance, follow the signs to Thompson Hall).
  • Please bring your laptops with you for a survey as well as a final technology check.
  • Please come "photo ready" as you will be taking pictures for both your TC ID and the SPA website.
  • Saturday will be an opportunity for you to bond with your cohort as well as take care of some last minute details before the start of classes.


  • Families and friends are welcome, but please notify Whitney Bates ( if you will be bringing additional people.
  • Families and friends will get a SPA overview and have the opportunity to take a campus tour, as well as participate in a Q&A session with the spouse of a current SPA staff member.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Whitney Bates at or (212) 678-3244.

See you all on Saturday! :-)

Friday, June 16, 2006

Clarification for MOA Draft

Here is a correspondence that will help clarify many of your questions regarding the draft of the MOA. Remember that the draft need not be posted to ClassWeb but should be prepared in anticipation of the Friday, July 14th event when we invite your cooperating administrator and coach to campus to work with you. Please make three copies of your draft to bring to the event on the 14th.

Here is the email exchange:

Dear Professor Richards,

My name is Ann Fraioli and I am in the 2006 SPA cohort. I was looking over the MOA example that Prof. Haferd sent out in preparation for the first day of classes and I found I had a couple of questions.

First, much of the sample MOA seemed relevant for the work I will be doing. Is it expected that the MOA is totally in our own words and style or are we only supposed to change small pieces so it fits our situation?

Secondly, I wasn't sure to what extent the coach should be involved in drafting the MOA. I had a meeting with my coach, Vi Abbott, and my cooperating administrator this week. We met for about an hour and talked about a lot of different things, but didn't get much time to spend talking specifically about the MOA. Should I meet with Ms. Abbott again before the first day of class to work on the MOA? Can I draft it myself and meet with her on July 14th? Finally, should the MOA be posted to ClassWeb or should we just bring our draft to the first day of class?

I hope spring has been treating you well, and that these questions are not too much of a burden.Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing you on the 24th.Ann.

Hi Ann:

Let me see if I can answer your very good questions. I expect others have similiar questions so I'm ccing Tom so he can make sure these answers get forwarded to the rest of the cohort.

(1) its perfectly fine to use the structure and content of the previous exemplars for your own MOA, understanding that you may need to make modifications to be responsive to your own local ecology.

(2) Please note that the exemplar does not include the pincipal shadowing activity since this is a modification in the internship from last year based on feedback from coaches and the founding cohort. We will provide you with more structure on how to accomplish this part of the MOA this summer.

(3) The structure for the fifth project (the elective) is also highly adaptive to the local circumstances of your school but your MOA should include a description of the following elements: (a) Purpose of the project; (b) expected outcome; (c) time commitment; (d) resources/skills required to accomplish and alignment with ELCC standards (e) description of how you will document progress; (f) final assessment and reflection on the project.

(4) Coach is exactly what the title means. He or she is an highly seasoned expert in school leadership who has demonstrated a capacity for leading schools over an entire career in most cases. In short, your coach is the most important friend you have in the program because he or she knows what it will really take to be highly successful in developing your leadership skills. Use your coach to your advantage. They want to consulted, asked for advice,and provide guidance. Believe me, they are thrilled to do it. Furthermore, they will be honest with you about whether your proposal is doable, will lead to a successful internship experience or not.

(5) Bring the draft of the MOA to the meeting on July 14th. No point in posting it yet since you will inevitably be making revisions. Nonetheless, the more work you put in early consulting with both coach and principal, the closer you will be to having it in order.

I hope I have addressed your questions clearly. Please let me know.

Warm regards, Craig

Craig E. Richards
Professor of Education & Chair
Department of Organization and Leadership Teachers College, Columbia University
(212) 678-3420

Request for Orientation, Part II - June 24th

Greetings all

We wanted to touch base with you in regards to next weeks second orientation:

1. In preparation for the events we are preparing, I ask that you each email me 1 or 2 interesting facts about yourself. They should be things that most people wouldn't know or guess, BUT that you don't mind the rest of the cohort knowing. I know you all are busy with other SPA-related tasks, but I need you to PLEASE email me your facts by this Sunday, June 18 at It should only take a few minutes of your time!

2. In terms of getting an accurate headcount, please confirm how many partners/family members will be attending Saturday's session by replying to Whitney at the email above.

3. In terms of the actual day, dress comfortably and remember to bring money for lunch (breakfast will be provided by SPA). We have a fun day planned for you and are looking forward to welcoming you all back!

Any questions of problems, feel free to shoot Whitney an email.